The Power of Permaculture
This is the story of systems design and permaculture in the service of sustainability on an urban farm. This collage of images showcases 7 years of successful permaculture that transformed 30 cut stems of hydrangea, and 36 cut branches into the hornbeam allee that exists at Mezzacello Urban Farm today. This is the power of permaculture.

The Phi Heat Map
In this expanded blog I better outline the principle of a phi heat map and sustainability.

Life on the Land and Systems Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs regarding the UN 17 SDG and my work on the farm. This one is goal 13 life on land.

Curbing Hunger Through Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs addressing how Mezzacello meets the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This one is zero hunger.

Creative Recycling and Winter Prep
The perfect opportunity to blend components from the formal and potager gardens and recycle items to insure success!

Mentorship Is It's Own Reward
This was a surprise "Thank You" you from my delightful mentee, Audrey. It came at the right time and it reminds me that giving is getting.

The State of the Garden in Summer 2022
The gardens in late June 2022. Everything is doing well, with the exception of the biodome.

The Foodist: Zucchini Boats with Rice
This is a summer staple! I love it when Rick makes this! Savory, nutty, tasty, and completely vegetable based delight!

Update on Storage and Preservation
Food preservation is my achilles heel here at Mezzacello. This is an update on innovating my storage here over winter.

The Formal Garden Rooms
A tour of the beauty of the formal garden rooms at Mezzacello. Waves of color, texture, and varied heights to attract and support life.

Mezzacello In Columbus CEO Future 50 Class of 2022
I am really proud to be designated as a Future 50 for the Class of 2022. I am being honored for my commitment to food security, technology, and sustainability.

The Rule of Sustainability - 3 and 5 Strategy
Sustainability is an important topic right now. We need more of it, and better metrics to define what "it" is.

The Vision for the Formal Gardens
Six years ago around this time we started mapping out the "rooms" of the formal gardens. We cut out the sod and recycled as much of the dirt as we could and turned the rest into sod rolls for our neighbors. We had 60 rolls of sod.