Life on the Land and Systems Sustainability

One of many harvests

Reusing leaf mulch to protect delicate plants

Storing leaves for next spring and summer

Care of poultry and fowl

Late harvest of green beans

Poultry turning and fertilizing

Protecting poultry from Avian Flu

Fresh herbs in January

Parsley in snow in a microclimate

Treats, life, recycling, and the future

Revising the soil and improving microlife

Recapture every molecule you can

Creating lasagna gardens

Sharing the wealth whenever I can

There will always be more plants

Grow food wherever whenever you can

A Huge Sweet Potato

working together for change

Grow up and out if you can

Manure is death waiting to become life

The Parterre Herbal Garden Microclimate

High summer lushness

Drying for dehydrating

The pollinator runway

Pathways for all life on land

Animals and humans matter

Beauty needs to be used and loved

Finally we come to the last of the ecosystems goals. Life on the land and systems sustainability. This is one of the major themes of Mezzacello.

This is also UN Sustainable Development Goal number 15. This entire blog post could just be images. I try so hard to embody every factor of supporting and promoting life on land.

The Triangles of Sustainability

These two triangles underscore my viewpoint of how we can make smart choices

One of them incorporates the body mind and overlapping communities of action, impact and intention. One of them is how the world is actually sustainable. Both require focus and action.

If it feels too good to be true, it probably is. If you can't justify an action without knowing it's true intention, action, and impact or it's process, structure, and pattern then work harder. And keep your focus on the goal at hand.

The goal at hand is life on land. Us, all of us and the billions of species of plants, animals, insects, microlife, and bacteria that keep the focus of life central to its existence.

This is what it's going to take. Don't be cross or discouraged. It is important - for more important than convenience.

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions and Sustainability


Life Below Water and Fostering Sustainability