Kids, Teens, and Educational Programming, camps, and workshops
The launch of the Ohio EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Academy
Simple Machines and You Summer Camp
Partners Not Pets Summer Camp
Atomic Farming
Bio Chemistry Summer Camp
BioMechanics Summer Camp
Mission to Mars Summer Camp
Robotics Workshop/Underwater Robotics
BioEngineering Summer Camp
Mezzacello Menterns Training
Sustainability In Nature School Outreach
Spur Detour Workshop
DNA and Me School Outreach
Physical Electricity Workshop
Meteorology and Ecology Workshop
School Service Hours Outreach
Typical Live Presentation of Learning
Compost and Fertilizer Synthesis Workshop
Typical Summer Camp Photo
Potato Harvesting and Being Silly

Outreach, Sustainability, and Tours
Volunteer Opportunities and Service Credits
Solar and Wind Power at Mezzacello
Outreach Workshops at area schools - This one is on how to transform edible weeds and leftover food to create shelf-stable animal feed pellets.
Public Speaking about Sustainability
Livestock and H5N1 testing
MenTerns Training and Outreach
Making New Friends
Mezzacello in Community Outreach
Baby duckling says hello!
Jim and Mezzacello's Lead MenTern, Amaya co-presenting
High School Intern Training Middle School MenTerns
Mezzacello and PAST Foundation Workforce Training
The Air Above Mezzacello looking downtown.
Environmental and Climate Justice Outreach

Private Events at Mezzacello Urban Farm
Corporate Team Building and Volunteer Opportunities
The Hornbeam Allee and the Hydrangea beds
The formal Gardens in the morning from the North
The front formal gardens in late summer with the eco-Gazeboes
The Hornbeam Allee, with its solar-powered LED lights and Pavilion at the South end with the Narnia Fountain.
Mezzacello's Herbal Parterres
The Koi Pond at Mezzacello
Interior of the Biodome which can host bars and food as well as classes.
Formal Gardens and solar-powered Eco Gazebos and LED Chandeliers.
Eco-Gazeboes in late summer.
Private event at night at Mezzacello
The food gardens and energy systems at Mezzacello.
Biodome lit at night entirely from solar, batteries, and LEDs.
Group Presentations at Mezzacello
The rose trellises in spring
Looking East through the arches of the hornbeam allee.