Reset The Bio Dome
The Bio dome project has failed. Too many variables to control and not enough hands on the job. Will reset and try again. Heat, Water, life.

Update on Storage and Preservation
Food preservation is my achilles heel here at Mezzacello. This is an update on innovating my storage here over winter.

Notes on Infrastructure and Ponds
A photo reminds me what to do to properly winterize the pond’s bio filter system. The pond is due for a refit this spring.

The War of the Winds
I have been pushing renewable energy sources hard for the past year. Today's blog is an observation on the best windmill for the city.

Ponds as Spigots and Nutrient Additive Systems
The moment when you realize that the biofilter for the pond is actually also an algae wine cask for the flowers.

The Ghost Foundations of Mezzacello
Since 1868 when the house was built, there have been three houses built and destroyed here to the south of us. The foundations remain.