Baby Garden Assassins
Baby ducks and their mother are truly garden assassins! Ther will not be a tick, a mosquito, or a cicada that will survive I should think!

Workshop: Quantum Effects in Nature
In this workshop we will explore the macro and quantum effects of electrons and conductive and insulative materials and work.

Workshop: Physical Electricity
In this workshop we will explore the macro and quantum effects of electrons and conductive and insulative materials and work.

The Waste Water Cycle at Mezzacello
This is a blog post about the water cycle at Mezzacello. The many ways I collect, purify and reuse water on my urban farm.
Summer Camp Video Series
These are an evolving library of my favorite YouTube Videos to use. All of this content is available on YouTube for free.
Building Out The BioLab at Mezzacello
A quick update on the status of the biolab at Mezzacello. The building 4 facility for all lifescience and microscopy.

Tour The Hornbeam Allee
Welcome to the Tour the Hornbeam Allee. This area is also called the Secret garden and is a bird and human sanctuary.
VAWT4All Initial Data Collection
A pop up blogpost created by one of my High School interns at Mezzacello. Data collection and models. Learn more here.

Installing a Passive Solar Heater
A quick blogpost on my experiments with a passive solar heater for my classroom and battery bank storage area in winter.
Life Finds a Way
Ducks are a mystery. Roo-Paul-Ster keeps eating duck eggs, so this hen found a run around, laying in the chick brooder. They need a nest box.
Compost Update 2023 - Restocking the Bioreactor
Time to use the leaves I saved in 2022 to shred them and hold them in reserve through the spring and summer!
Lesson: Under Pressure
This is a core lesson on the role of pressure in all its many forms at Mezzacello. A heavy and forceful issue! Under Pressure indeed!

Partnerships For The Goal of Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs tied to the UN SDG program for 2030. This one is about building partnerships for the goal.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions and Sustainability
Part of a series of blogs detailing how UN 17 SDG play out at Mezzacello. This is peace and justice.

Life Below Water and Fostering Sustainability
Part of a series of blos detailing my work at Mezzacello to meet UN 17 SDGs. This is life below water and my pond.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Part of a series of blogs on the UN SDG and sustainable cities and communities. a love letter to my city, and it's people.

Reducing Inequality and Promoting Sustainability
Part of series of blogs I am writing to promote the UN 17 SDG goals at Mezzacello. This is on equity.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Sustainability
Part of a blog series on how Mezzacello addresses UN 17 SDG. This one is industry and innovation.

Clean Water and Sanitation and Sustainability
As part of a series of blogs on UN 17 SDG at Mezzacello. This one covers water and sanitation and it's value.
Crazy Winter Weather in 2022/23
A quick observation about crazy winter weather we continue to have here at Mezzacello.