Living From a Place Of Gratitude

Living the life of an Urban Farmer in the 21st Century and having a full time job is stressful. You work at a full time job during the day, and then manage a household, a full house remodel, a farm, food gardens, infrastructure, and a formal garden in the evenings and weekends. Oh and factor in your social life and commitments to the community, the various boards you sit on, your social life, requests from friends to go see the 3 hour Marvel Avengers “Endgame” movie or just hang out and have a drink, and you are out of time. This is where gratitude comes in.There is no way to get all of this done. But if you reframe the problem it is easier; be grateful that you have so many opportunities to connect and see your impact in the world. The issue isn’t that you are so very busy. The issue isn’t that you don’t have the time to be a professional at your job, an engaged citizen, a good friend, a farmer, and a homesteader. The issue is that you have the resources, capacity, desire, and opportunity to do all of those things.When you get the opportunity to disengage a bit from the chaos, take it. There is no shame in that. Learn to say no graciously. But the rest of the time, do some research on optimization of your farm infrastructure, invest in security features, be willing to get up earlier and manage chores, keep your calendar up to date, and be willing to live in a home 150 years old and still under construction. None of that is going to change in the short term. But your attitude can change. The next time you are out connecting with a friend and you know you should be back home making sure those crazy ducks aren’t breaking into your garden enclosure and destroying your kale and lettuce; Stop. Take a breath. Make a note that you are living in fear of scarcity in that moment. You actually have abundance and just need to learn to build better systems and reframe opportunity.Be grateful that you live a life packed with opportunity. A life where when someone asks you what you “do” your answer never will be a single sentence answer that doesn’t inspire you. This is gratitude and it will change your life, your mood, and your biochemistry in your brain. Now practice it.


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