Not All Calcium is the Same

Today was the first day of spring that I have to do planting maintenance at Mezzacello. One of my primary tasks was making sure both the animal, aquatic, and botanical species that we grow here have appropriate levels of the essential elements to thrive and grow.The animals are pretty well cared for at this point. Chicks and ducklings are thriving. The fish are spawning and the worms and crickets are out of the basement. My attention turns to the biochemistry of the fauna end of the Mezzacello ecosystems; namely the potager gardens and the formal gardens. More on the potager gardens later. Today I am spreading potash, potassium, and calcium amongst the formal gardens. Literally ash, potassium and chicken and duck shells and oyster shells on the ground for next years growth.While Rick is planting bulbs, I am following behind him with a mixture of crushed eggshells and oyster shells at the base of peonies, gladiolus, and tulips. (Also some for the chickens and ducks for stronger shells). I just finished spreading a gallon of raw calcium on top of all the mulch above the bulbs that need calcium. As I was going into the house to prepare 2 Cap Cod Cocktails for Rick and I, I saw this egg that Richard had absent mindedly set in the impromptu herb beds on the side door stoop. It made me laugh.I rushed out of the house at 6:50 this morning to serve as a judge captain at the Ohio Academy of Science’s State Science Fair #OhioSSD19 and asked Rick to feed the rabbits, fish, worms, ducks, and chickens. Apparently he had a handful of duck eggs and set one down in the herb bed next to the leeks we were growing from leek bases we’d nurtured in a cup of water in March and was now planted in this box. It made me laugh. Technically it is a source of calcium but it needs a bit more processing before Mother Nature can use it, dude. LOL! Never a dull moment.


The End Game


Living From a Place Of Gratitude