Science Hides On a Farm
This blog post is dedicated to a board member of Mezzacello Urban Farm who challeneged me to think about Mezzacello as just a farm - the way that most people who don't know why Mezzacello exists will do.

The Age of Steel - Part 3
As Mezzacello matures and becomes more active with camps and content, we are finding time and again that steel makes the most sense in terms of infrastructure.

The Arches Into The Allee in 2024
After five years of pruning and growing, the hornbeam allee and the arches that punctuate it on the east and west axis has grown in together. It’s very dramatic.

Spring 2021 and the Brunerform
An update on the gardens this spring and a candid little confessional and observation on Spring, Beauty, Life, and Fashion.

Peas Porridge Hot, Peas Porridge Bold
Eat like a sailor! A ration of peas and seawater with a dash of butter and flour and some toast and you have a meal!

The Perfect Cover Crop for Unsightly Chain Link Fence
The original fenceline of Mezzacello and how we disguised the chain link fence we had to create.

Watering an Urban Garden Efficiently
Living in the city means living in a heat bubble. Watering efficiently is a challenge. My solution to the problem.

Too Much Nitrogen, Not Enough Nutrients
After a hopeful start, I realized I missed the mark on nutrients, minerals and compost vs manure. Another season.