A fun collage of my new data science station between the BioEngineering and BioTech Labs. It also shows the rest of the gardens, the coops and the energy generation station as well as the port-a-john!

Slowly but surely we are busy updating the infrastructure here at Mezzacello Urban Farm from wood to steel. Thhis blog post is called the age of steel - part 3 because this is Phase 3 of a 4 phase process. The atrium between Shed 3 and Shed 4 is a necessary adaptation.

First it was the pergolas and greenhouse. Then it was the garden fencing and bioreactor. Now it is the sections that we need to keep equipment (and kids) safe and dry.

When It Rains, It Pours

When it rains at Mezzacello Urban Farm it is a minor inconvenience. Usually we have pop up tents and the kids or guests are fine. This summer the rainstorms have been quite intense!

I wanted a steel roof on the data science atrium so I can also mount solar panels there as a dedicated power supply system for the servers and portable data entry stations safe and dry. It’s also NOT going to burn down or get blown away in a windstorm.

I’ll share a gallery of what I have going on in there below.

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.


Portable Power and a Mobile Coop


An Engineered and Mobile Ecology