The Carbon Sink: AKA the Formal Gardens

My animals, the insects, the pond, and tree and bush trimmings create a lot of organic matter. More than my Compost bins can usually absorb. I can funnel some of it into my garden beds for developing lasagna compost beds to grow vegetables and herbs into, but that still leaves organic matter. That’s why I have reframed Rick’s formal gardens as “The Carbon Sink” in the fall and winter. I can amend that soil with mulch and compost and get it back the following year.[media-credit id=3 align="alignnone" width="300"]Most people assume the Formal Gardens are there for s show — and they are not wrong. But in nature ecosystems rarely have one role. The same is true at Mezzacello. It’s not enough to be pretty; you also have to absorb waste and provide nutrients back to the larger ecosystem. Even the most beautiful bouquet of flowers will be compost eventually.


Crickets In Glass Houses


Harvest Time at Mezzacello