Lesson: Basic Sanitation 101
Lesson: Basic Sanitation 101

This Lesson: Basic Sanitation 101 is a primer on how we keep humans and animals safe through basic sanitation.

Handwashing 101
At the entrance to each gate, at the greenhouse, and at the porta-john there is a hand washing station. Each station is equipped with water and soap. Make sure your best scientific instruments - your hands - are clean before you begin any experiment.
When conducting sensitive experiments, it is quite easy to infect delicate samples with bacteria from your hands. Especially under a microscope. This is why it is important to use soap and water to remove as much foreign material as possible from your hands.
Bacteria are not our enemy. They are extremely useful and welcome here as they make many magical things happen. But like all living things, sometimes we do not want bacteria at this particular moment, so use caution.
Boot Rinsing 101
Another sanitary issue is your rubber boots or shoe covers. While it is true that we love bacteria at Mezzacello, there are some bacteria that ARE NOT WELCOME! These include Salmonella and Avian Flu Virus.
Salmonella is very dangerous to humans. It comes from the feces of chickens and ducks and from handling raw, unwashed. It spreads very quickly and can pass to your hands if you do not properly sterilize your boots!
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Avian Flu or Bird Flu) is less common but still a scary reality. HPAI can destroy an entire flock of birds. It can be spread by humans interacting with the feces of other birds.
Avian Flu is not dangerous to humans. It can be spread by humans though. That is why hand washing and boot washing is so very important.
Safety And Hygiene
So maybe you are a very healthy individual. Is there someone in your life that is not? A baby or an aging grandparent?
Bacteria are not evil. They do not seek out victims. But they do want to live and breed.
Be the strong line of defense in other people's lives. Even if you aren't afraid of bacteria, remember bacteria are not afraid of you either. To them, you are just a free bus ride!