Carbon Footprint in a Yard

Carbon in the coop

Making compost, water, and power

Recycling water

Water evaporation still

Algae reclamation

Water conservation

Rain water and watering cans

Fire In The Garden
Weed management and carbon setting

Infrastructure for vertical gardening

Growing food

Farm animals

Automated compost

Chickens exploring the new terrarium abode of the crickets.

Reset The Bio Dome
Portable greenhouses

Today I was in a local high school working with 9th graders on environmental science and food production. The topic at hand was how we reduce our carbon footprint with sustainability. So this morning I pulled together this blog post to illustrate how we address our Carbon Footprint in a Yard.

It’s pretty rare for me to have a mic drip moment, but it was definite this morning. These kids were struggling to find alternatives to the 8 largest sources of carbon in our environment. so I pulled up this blog. The eight leading causes of an excess carbon footprint are:

  1. Driving a car short distances
  2. Taking a plane
  3. Beef
  4. Using a refrigerator
  5. Using AC
  6. Leaving lights on
  7. Using a dryer
  8. Eating American cheese

The kids were struggling to find three alternatives to all of these things on their own. They came up with one maybe two. I brought this blog post in and it blew the other one minds.


Passion Projects and My Mission


Water From Waste Part Two