Passion Projects and My Mission

Passion Projects and My Mission

Passion projects and my mission
An advert for Mezzacello Urban Farm

This weekend I am going to be a host site on the Simply Living Sustainable Living Tour. this is one of my Passion Projects and My Mission. It’s tough this year however.

I am becoming more and more aware that most people are not aware that “Mezzacello” is also my home. When you visit Mezzacello you’re visiting my house and my yard. It’s my little oasis of sustainability, but I live here too.

I like most humans want to relax and unwind when I get home. I leave things laying about, or I don’t stay on top of every detail. And then there are 300 people coming to walk around in your yard!

Mezzacello Urban Farm is also my nonprofit and my stake in the ground - Summer Camps 2022 - to show the world that we can all do more. And that we should! However that being said I also have a full-time job and other commitments and it makes finding balance somewhat difficult.

More Than One Passion

Last night supporting theater and young emerging artists.

Plants and infrastructure that needs attention.

A job I love

Mezzacello is very important to me. I am also passionate about my work at the PAST Foundation, volunteering, Board positions, Theater, the Arts, and mentorship. it is a struggle to devote enough attention to the farm and all that.

Recently my friends at the National Digital Inclusion Alliance came to Mezzacello and helped me clean and service the grounds. That was a great gift. I am grateful, and I need to figure out how I could get more help like that.


I would prefer if it were sustainable. I would love to trade resources, insight, labor. I want to stay true to my mission of Grow, Maintain, Sustain, Explain.

Until then, I will work REALLY hard today and tomorrow to get my ducks in a row, and also keep my actual ducks in a row! It won’t be perfect. but it will be authentic and full of passion.

That will have to be enough. Just enough is all I have right now. But trading my time with my other passions right now is NOT sustainable.

Take a Breath

It's a lot of work. It's work worth doing and we love it. But we can't do it all -- and live our modern lives.

Rick is fond of reminding me that what we do or what we can't get done are all part of the story. The story of Mezzacello is what it is, and after all we've done, that will always be true. So we'll take a breath and tell the story as it is now.


10 Facts About Mezzacello (Part 1)


Carbon Footprint in a Yard