Workshop: BioTech Basics

Workshop: BioTech Basics

In this one-day Workshop: BioTech Basics, we will explore the role that livestock and their products and parts play in the biotech reality of the modern world and on the farm. Workshop: BioTech Basics asks the participants to look deeper at the way humans, livestock, ecologies, and soil health all belong together to achieve sustainability.

90 Minute Factor

In this workshop we will explore how we integrate animals and livestock and every day care and feeding on the farm.

  • The first portion of the workshop will deal with understanding the population of livestock housed here at Mezzacello Urban Farm.
  • After the intro, the workshop will allow students to interact with an animal in the biolab (shed 4).
  • The second portion of the workshop the students will observe the animal they are treating and discover any anomalies they see.
  • Finally, each student will use the tools and charts available to determine a prognosis
  • They will share their prognosis and return the animal safely to its home.

Half-Day Factor

In this expanded half-day workshop we will explore in a full design challenge the care and housing of livestock on the farm and will create a video presentation.

  • If there are enough students, have them form teams and choose a name.
  • Students will choose an animal at Mezzacello and why they are important.
  • Students will create a device that successfully treats an animal for a specific prroblem..
  • Students will work together in teams to protect their animal.
  • Students will follow the Design Cycle to create this solution.
  • Students must make a video showing their solution in use on the farm at Mezzacello.

Full-Day Factor

In this expanded full-day workshop we will create a full design challenge dealing with health and wellness of poultry, rabbits, and crickets, solve a real-world problem at Mezzacello using the Design Cycle, and writing and recording a video presentation.

  • In the first part, students must learn about the ways livestock are important on a farm.
  • Students will create a device that successfully addresses the needs of livestock.
  • Students must work together in teams and create a useful idea together.
  • Students will follow the Design Cycle to create this solution.
  • In the second part of this workshop, students will identify a system that could be improved with the application of STEM to solve that problem.
  • Students have the option of either designing and building a prototype of their solution or installing their solution at Mezzacello Urban Farm.
  • Students must make a video showing their solution in use on the farm at Mezzacello or the solution that they installed to solve a real world problem.


Mezzacello Zoo Brew Adventures 2023


Workshop: BioEngineering Basics