Formal Gardens Gallery Tulips in April Taking a Break in the Garden Formal Garden Ecosystems are Red Orange and Yellow Growing Flowers and Shrubs In Winter Lush Flowers in Spring The Narnia Fountain Monkey Grass That Lines The Formal Rooms The Irises at Mezzacello The Pollinator Garden in Early Fall Monkey Grass Border Mezzacello Garden Rooms and Allee Mezzacello Allee and Parterres Mezzacello Garden Rooms in Fall The Social Circle in the Pond The Opening Arches of the Allee Long View North to South of the Garden Rooms Windsong in Late Summer Purple Windsong Garden Sculpture and Bakki Shower Dianthus Bed in the Formal Rooms Glorious Peonies Hydrangea Hedge and Hornbeam Allee Magnolia Blossom Hydrangea Hedge Detail Parterre Gardens with Herbs