Winterizing the Pond at Mezzacello
Winterizing the Pond at Mezzacello

It's that time of the year again! Time for Winterizing the Pond at Mezzacello. If you anything about this pond, you know this is always a scary time!
Keeping Fish Safe and Ducks Out!
I usually cover the pond with a loose plastic fencing that allows sunlight in and O2 and nitrogen as well. This year I replaced the plastic netting with a finer grade mesh. This mesh does the same as the netting, but does a better job of keeping the ducks out.
The ducks will still walk on the pond, but their claws cannot hurt the baby koi fish that Rick is nurturing in the pond. Ducks are very charming, but persistent.
The Bakki Shower and Water Quality
The water in the pond this year has been remarkably clean this year. I credit the Bakki Shower and keeping this netting atop the pond. The leaves will pollute the water, so I need to keep it clear.
The clarity and Ph of the water is stunning still this far into winter. The Nitrates and Nitrides are also perfectly under control. The only weakness is hard water.
So in the coming season I will look for ways to mitigate the hardness of the water. If you have ideas or solutions that I could deploy. Share them here if you'd like.