2020 has been an interesting year. I have focused on growing the mission here at Mezzacello and innovating my technology and sustainability. New systems, website updates, storage and processing techniques, and grants like #ProjectMartian. I haven't really touched on the other "interesting" component of 2020; #COVID19. For a lot of people, the Shelter-In-Place orders have tested people's resolve and resources.At Mezzacello, it has not been so difficult. I have the luxury of a purpose and a mission, and the grounds to feel like I am not really holed up. I am also nearly constantly busy between farming working my job at PAST and my volunteer work. I recognize that privilege and I am grateful for it. Now that winter is set in and the work of preserving food and systems around the farm is done and my holiday time off is near is when I am feeling "cabin fever". I was surprised by the snow this morning. Rick snapped these photos from our home office at Mezzacello. This is where we have both been working for the majority of the time working from home.[media-credit id=3 align="alignnone" width="900"]The farm sleeps now and we turn our attention to the projects inside the farmhouse. We are done for the year outside. But I am really looking forward to 2021. There are big changes in store for Mezzacello. Stay tuned. But now we let her have a much needed rest. Happy Holidays!


The Foodist: Potato Galette


Winter Soldiers in a Garden