What An Ecosystem Looks Like

Boxwood, Algae, and Comfrey that will make tomorrow beautiful.

At Mezzacello we do not city garden. City water is used for cooking, sewage, and RARELY for watering delicate plants in the height of summer. Even then we collect rainwater and use that when we do need water. That is the essence of an ecosystem: #Sustainability

It surprises a lot of people who visit or follow me here that we do not water our plants, gardens and systems. This particular vignette is clay soil amended with compost and mulch. The boxwood keeps the soil in place. It is beautiful and charming - to humans. It is a microclimate that protects the plants within it from cold winds, channels water, and allows humans plant to scale. Beneath the comfrey and the boxwood (and every garden bed at Mezzacello) is a 30cm deep bed of compost, Soil, and Detritus that echoes the forest floor. Yes, Mezzacello is a forest of prepared beds. We don’t water because nature waters for us. Lastly there is the light. The light you see in those leaves and on that boxwood; that is life.


The Key To Diversity: Opposites Attract


Patient People with a Purpose for Place