Unlabeled Perils of Modern Urban Farming

Salts and other chemicals unlabeled are dangerous. This seems like it would be obvious  until you face working a full-time job (that you love) and then cramming all the chores, ordering supplies online or from stores when funds are available or face a minor health emergency (or all of the above). Details slip through the cracks.Yes, I am disorganized and lack discipline I know. But I still have to problem solve and make the magic happen. One of the most intriguing benefits of being a committed ur ban farmer is that you must by definition be a renaissance man; Farmer, Gardner, Engineer, Artist, Chemist, Vet, Statistician, Architect, and occasionally Butcher. It comes with the territory. Thus when you discover multiple bags of dry salts and liquids in unmarked bottles you do what any Renaissance scholar would do; Consult Google and or YouTube to figure out what the tell tale chemical signatures are of the 10 to 15 most common farmyard chemicals are. Then you label them. Except that bag with the question marks. We are still trying to work that one out...[media-credit id=3 align="alignnone" width="300"]Some chemicals (like red fox urine) do not need a label. You and the other foxes, possums and raccoons can smell that one from 100 meters away! What’s the strangest chemical you keep on hand?


Songs of Ice and Fire


Pretty versus Plentiful with Ducks and Chickens