The Foodist: Mushroom Bourguignon 2.0

The Foodist: Mushroom Bourguignon 2.0

Pan searing mushrooms and making vegetable stock.

I decided I was going to try the Mushroom Bourguignon again. This time I was determined to make everything from scratch. I brought home Crudités from work, I boiled the white pearl onions in the vegetable stock to blanch them and then I cooled them, skinned them and returned to skins to the stock.

I added leek leaves, parsley and bay leaves and let the whole thing simmer for two hours. Delicious vegetable stock, by the way. Everything else I followed the original recipe and it turned out great!

But the really interesting discovery was how useful the Mushroom Bourguignon would be in other recipes. It's funny to revisit this recipe several years later, as I am now on my third cooktop here at Mezzacello. The Recipe for the base of this can be found here.


  1. Adding olives and artichokes and capers. Chopping them up and making a deliciously rich tapenade.
  2. Toasting rye bread and a smear of garlic olive oil with slightly heated Mushroom Bourguignon atop the toast and a freshly poached duck egg.
  3. Adding Mushroom Bourguignon to a vegetable stew as a rich flavoring.
  4. Serving Mushroom Bourguignon over Indian cumin and coconut milk rice with freshly chopped peanuts and thyme.
  5. and finally serving the Mushroom Bourguignon in manicotti with a rich marinara sauce and a light bechamel atop that.

This recipe is super flexible and delicious; And still awesomely vegan (vegetarian if you include the eggs). Let me know what you get up to with this recipe. Also, leeks are amazing plants.

Leeks can be regrow from their bases. Just add water.

Leeks picked one the fall are still growing in the winter.


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