The Evolving Role of the DMZ Between Formal and Urban Gardens at Mezzacello

This blogpost is meant to serve as a gallery and place marker for the work around the DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ). The DMZ is the split between the east formal gardens and the west-facing food, livestock, and compost gardens on eaither size of the east west axis of Mezzacello. This was originally created on March 4, 2017.

New fountain garden


Adding a pond to the DMZ.

Pond Sludge

Pond slug from the Biofilter and the Pondergeist.

Original house foundations in the yard from demolished houses.

The north parterre knot garden as seen from the house.

The hydrangea hedge in its third year.

The evolving role of the DMZ

Hydrangea and hornbeams along the allee.

Burning Parterres into the DMZ.

Volunteer Olivia helping to rabbit proof the urban garden beds.

The DMZ before the formal gardens were in place

The DMZ is where the chicken tractor lives.

The southern edge of the DMZ

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.

The Ghost Foundations of Mezzacello


Finding Joy in Small Things