Glyphosate and The Hormone Regulation Mystery
The role Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Resistant Genetically-Engineered grains has on egg production and health.
Design Challenge: Build an Animal Tractor
In this design challenge we ask students to build a system to keep animals safe and healthy. With many options.

Shenaniducks! Those Ducks Are At It Again!
It takes one duck to override a safety mechanism on a robotic coop door. Never underestimate a duck an it’s love of chaos.

The Rule of Sustainability - 3 and 5 Strategy
Sustainability is an important topic right now. We need more of it, and better metrics to define what "it" is.

The Enclosed Sustainable Ecosystems of Mezzacello
What is a truly enclosed, self-sustaining ecosystem? It requires that the energy and materials going in are accounted for and amplified coming out.

Introducing Project Martian
How does Mezzacello resemble a Martian Colony? Both will be an artificial self-enclosed, sustainable, multi-stream ecosystem.

Pathways to Harvest and Reuse
A post on how food is used, recycled, and repurposed on an urban farm! The birds, rabbits and fish - even compost and worms.

Preservation, Seed Vegetables, and Recycling
When we grow food at Mezzacello Urban Farm we know we are going to give 10-20% of it back to nature and for the next season. Saving seeds and storing food correctly is a key issue.

The Foodist: Perfect Pan-Roasted Chicken
This is a crowd pleaser and is a great way to make chicken thighs go a long way with amazing style. Fresh and tasty!

The Humble Chicken Tractor
The ins and outs of how to build, deploy, and care for various poultry in a chicken tractor in the city; or in the country.