Staying Home When You Live on an Urban Farm

#COVID19 is a new paradigm. People are being required to Shelter In Place across the nation and definitely here in Columbus, OH. I am working for the first time directly in the same place of my husband. Right across the dining room table from him. In front of a toasty fire, in a 154 year old house, on a farm, in the middle of downtown Columbus. It's actually not such a bad gig.[media-credit id=3 align="alignnone" width="300"]I am proud of the work we have done here at Mezzacello that allows us to pivot so rapidly. There is food, there is comfort, there is access to fresh water, solar power, and enough work to keep my preoccupied and not worrying too much. Then there are the farm chores which are ramping up as spring approaches. Yes, there is challenge and there is opportunity. Both hold their own paths and I am grateful that I can go down both of them with grace and dignity in this time of crisis.Find the joy and purpose in your life. Do it - this is essential work that has to be done. Even if you can't act on it right now, start building it in your mind palace.

  • What will it be?
  • Who will you be?
  • What will you need to become?
  • Why should this matter to you?

The SARS-CoV2 virus isn't stopping life or time; It's simply impeding the path that is obvious and comfortable only. The rest is still going on. Smell the roses yes, but it's way more important to take Anais Nin's sage advice on change and challenge:

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Seize the day friends, and stay safe and healthy!


Six Years of Constant Improvement and Modification


What To Grow