Spring 2023 Is In Bloom
Spring 2023 Is In Bloom

This weekend Rick and I were reminded that Spring 2023 Is In Bloom here on our urban farm. We were invited to an Easter luncheon by some dear friends at the behest of my friend's mother, who adores us. Rather than buy her flowers, Rick decided to scour the formal gardens for flowers.
He did not disappoint! With the exception of the irises, which were a gift from our son, Evan and his family, all this bounty grows right here. I was struck by how fresh and beautiful this bouquet of flowers was. My friend's mother adored them, so mission accomplished!

What's Going On In Your Garden?
What can you pull together from your gardens so far? Share with us online or via social media @Mezzacello on Facebook and Instagram or leave us a message here! Happy Spring!