Computer Power and Exponential Growth

This is an image of a state of the art 4GB Elliott Computer system being installed in a climate controlled building, and a Raspberry Pi controller chip with an ENTIRE Operating System and 4GB of onboard memory in front of the SAME building in 2018. Computer Power and Exponential Growth is a wonderful metaphor for knowledge. The more we know, the more we grow.

Exponential Growth

There are three primary transcendental numbers in our four dimensional universe:

  1. Phi: 1:1.618

  2. Pi: 3.14

  3. e: 2.718

These numbers just exist, regardless of scale or time. They are joined by two other very special numbers:

0 and 1.

Without 0 and 1 all computers would be meaningless. I try to think of 0 and 1 as the proton and the electron. Constantly at odds, with only the neutron to keep them from annihilating each other. But alas, even that is an outdated notion as atomic hydrogen doesn’t even bother with a neutron…

What’s So Special About Exponential Growth?

If you reframe how you think about exponential growth, it will become a lot more magical. Picture the ring of observable light that is the 13.5B year light cone that is our current observable universe. It DOES NOT MATTER if the circle is 13.5 Light Years across or 3mm; Pi will remain 3.13…

If you reframe the replicating skin and bone cells in the skull of a baby’s head over time, it will always replicate as a spiral with a ratio of 1: 1.618 no matter what scale you are at. DNA molecule, baby’s cranium, solar system, galaxy, or universe. It defies description 1.618…

Now “e” is for exponential growth. It will always grow at the same rate until it has exceeded its’ natural and sustainable limit. Then it will collapse and within it will exist phi in its scalable abundance. Every time it will collapse because it is the defining edge of our reality, phi is the spuraling unity, and pi is the defining boundary.

We need to show more respect for “the natural number ‘e’”. it is the omega to the alpha of the radius (pi). These numbers are bigger than us — and ironically they are us.

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.

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