It’s Getting Hot In Here

Water instantly transpiring into vapor on a hot summer day.

This summer was a unique summer at Mezzacello Urban Farms. For the first time, I ran summer camps, tours and online programs around renewable resources like solar, wind, and battery power, soil, fertilizers, and water. One of the camp design challenges was called "It’s Getting Hot In Here".

I chose convenience is an important statement at a sustainable urban farm.

Jim Bruner

From Climate Change to Climate Reality

Water is a strategically important and valuable resource at Mezzacello. I take great pains to capture, recycle, and store water as a renewable resource. From the pond, to the IBC rain water capture cubes to the water tank atop the bioreactor and even the waste water from hand washing stations. All of it get used and reused.

The one source of water that I try very hard to shy away from is city tap water. It's not only that I have to pay for it. Being committed to sustainability means not using a resource just because you can.

The True Costs of Convenience

The header image on this blog post is a water house from the city tap refilling the pollinator fountain in the front formal gardens at Mezzacello. Usually I cart over 70 L (18 Gallons) of rain water and then treat it with 10 ml of bleach. But this day I was exhausted and I was expecting a tour with hundreds of people the next day, so I chose convenience.

I chose convenience is an important statement at a sustainable urban farm. I try very hard to make systems inter-related here. Sometimes they work well, other times I need help and that's OK too.

I need a robot that will carry water for me. That's what's next on the drawing board. I know they exist, I have seen them in use on Amish farms (Obviously not robotic, but wheelbarrows designed to easily carry water).

I am bringing on three new interns this season. maybe one of them can help me design this thing. Meanwhile, it's fun to watch the water instantly vaporize in the hot summer air!


2022/2023 Internships


The Origins of the Name Mezzacello