How Much Food Do You Need To Grow?

If you follow our mission here at Mezzacello you know I never have any expectation of full sustainability. I shoot with confidence for 40% offset in food costs. I actually get closer to 30% with loss, pests, and poor storage prep. That’s the cost of working organically with Mother Nature. I am am good with that.This past year I experimented with increasing yields and succession planting as well as hydroponics and alternative food sources. I think I hit closer to a 45% yield to food cost ratio. I was pretty proud of that. I have a cellar pantry that is pretty well stocked going into January. That’s a milestone for me.I did the math (topology, geometry, statistical analysis, and simple algebra) early on and I knew my 231 sq meter (758 sq ft) would not be enough to grow enough food that could also be properly preserved, stored or saved.[media-credit id=3 align="alignnone" width="214"]There are additional limitations to maximizing yield like initially poor soil structure, poor micro flora and fauna, urban pests like rats, racoons, squirrels, and birds. But I was never able to find a source for HOW much food one would need to grow to sustain a family. Until now.i came across this website this morning while I was researching the most efficient way to preserve carrots and leeks. It’s not exhaustive, but it is enlightening. We eat a lot more than even I had imagined. Mind you, this does not include grains, meat or dairy. So here is a great resource for how much food you need to grow to sustain one person: will update this blog when i get back to a desktop so the data can live in this post as a static resource. Cheers!


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