BioDome 2 Power Systems Integration

BioDome 2 Power Systems Integration

BioDome 2 Power Systems Integration
Sudman in the Biodome 2.0

Progress on the Biodome 2.0 is progressing. I have the superstructure done and the airlock/vestibule prepared. Now we need to start developing the BioDome 2 Power Systems Integration.

This semester I have a high school intern named Sudman who is helping me to assemble the modular power structures for the biodome 2.0. We are 3D printing the new VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) based on a design we found from Christopher's Factory.

Next Steps

Once we gat the dome painted and covered, we will begin integrating the wind turbine, homemade solar array and battery and inverter kit. Then we will begin creating the water evaporators and water recovery systems. We are shooting for a late April deadline for this.

Sudman is only available a few hours a week because of High School. I am trying to integrate him as much as possible on this build as it is part of his capstone research. So taking our time on this.


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