Boursin chicken roulette with cabbage

This was a real surprise from Manon’s Little Kitchen! Boursin cheese, butter, salt and pepper on white cabbage. Delightful and wicked easy to make — and best of all — even better the next day! Rick included the entire dinner from Manon’s Reel online. The chicken dinner was excellent as well.


  • 4 chicken breast

  • 300g of baby spinach

  • 2 tbsp of breadcrumbs 

  • Salt + Pepper

  • 4 slices of Jambon de Bayonne or Parma ham

  • 1 big white cabbage

  • 2 tops of salted butter a room temperature

  • 2 tbsp of Boursin

  • 500ml of boiling water

  • 2 tbsp of olive oil.

  • Parsley

Manon’s Method

  1. Lay ham one direction, flatten chicken breast and lay across ham in the other direction, like a cross. Spread mixture of chopped spinach crumbs and Boursin over chicken. Roll chicken and then wrap in ham.

  2. Cut cabbage into wedges and brush with butter, and rub with Boursin.

  3. Place chicken rolls and cabbage wedges in baking dish.

  4. Put in oven at 200 degrees 40 minutes.

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.

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