Mezzacello Urban Farm

2024 Summer Camps

Hands On Applied STEM Summer Camps

Mezzacello Urban Farm Offered 12 Camps!


PAST Foundation and Mezzacello Urban Farm Camps

Applied STEM, Design Thinking, Animals, Farming, and Fun!

Four Camps,
Four Themes!

Project BioTech

Animal Health and Safety, Biology, Farming, and Pathology

Project BioEngineering

Design Thinking, Communication, Automation, Robotics, and Renewable Energy

Project BioMechanics

Design Thinking, Simple Machines, Biology, and Energy

Quantum Effects in Nature

The science behind the very smallest aspects in nature and the classical world of chemistry, physics, biology, and even math

City of Columbus Parks and Recreation and Mezzacello Urban Farm Camps

Eight Camps and Loads of Fun

Atomic Farming

Understanding Chemistry and Physics In the Worlds of Biology and Botany

Simple Machines In Nature

How things on a farm work and how we can use them to invent new solutions

Partners Not Pets

The science and art of integrating animals and their products into ecologies on an urban farm

Engineering New Machines

Modeling engineering principles used in nature to discover new ideas and solutions


A crash course of animal and human health and safety and how to treat common illnesses on an urban farm


How things work in nature, from anatomy and systems to machines and complexity

Problems 101

Introduction to design thinking and invention on a farm and modeling nature

Thank you all for a Terrific Summer!

Join Our Early Worm Club!

Mezzacello is planning our 2025 Spring, Summer and Fall Camps, Workshops and Experiences now! Want to get a reservation early? Join our Early

Quote Source

How amazing is it that we can make food from wastes and build machines to deliver it?! I liked helping all the tiny animals we need, but don't get to see.” - Frogga

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Experience Mezzacello Urban Farm!

On Site Tour: Sundays $5

Reserve your spot today!

Off Site Presentation

Arrange Mezzacello on Wheels Today!

I loved caring for the animals at Mezzacello, even the crickets! Yuck! But they are really important. The bunnies are so cute!


“This Was Awesome! I loved it! Next year, I want to be a teaching intern!”


“Mister Jim is a BOSS! I really loved every time it got hard! It got difficult and we got busy! Harrison Out!”
