Introducing Project Martian
How does Mezzacello resemble a Martian Colony? Both will be an artificial self-enclosed, sustainable, multi-stream ecosystem.
The Foodist: Fried Potatoes with Sage
This is an early recipe here at Mezzacello. Really simple and savory and delicious smelling to boot!
Pathways to Harvest and Reuse
A post on how food is used, recycled, and repurposed on an urban farm! The birds, rabbits and fish - even compost and worms.
Preservation, Seed Vegetables, and Recycling
When we grow food at Mezzacello Urban Farm we know we are going to give 10-20% of it back to nature and for the next season. Saving seeds and storing food correctly is a key issue.
The Foodist: Perfect Pan-Roasted Chicken
This is a crowd pleaser and is a great way to make chicken thighs go a long way with amazing style. Fresh and tasty!
Wasps, Mosquitoes, Water and Climate Change
After a mild winter in 2019 and 2020 we have a raft of issues related to pests, climate and fungal spores!
Herbal Parterres
A year two update on the herbal parterres at Mezzacello. The drawbacks and benefits and what I love. The microclimate and structure are key!
Easy Classic French Bean Poles
Inspired by classic beanpoles at French Chateaux, these are a modern update that are easy to build. This includes directions.