Seeds at the Farmers Market

Seeds at the Farmers Market

Seeds are universal. You can save them back from your plants, you can buy them new. Or you can get your seeds at the farmers market.

Every gardener knows that good seeds are the start of any good garden. Often times I purchase seeds from heirloom or organic seed houses. I also source heirloom seeds at the Farmer's Market.

After all it can't get any fresher, right. It is also very cost effective. I bought as much seed garlic (of the cultivar I like) for 1/3 the cost for seed garlic from a distributor. And I can eat what I don't plant; Win Win!

This year, I have been working really hard to better understand the physics and chemistry -- as well as the biology and structures of my #Zerodirt Martian growing beds. This has been a good year and a disastrous year. But I learned a lot and know exactly what I will do with these seeds next season!

When To Plant and When To Store

Every seed and plant is different. Oftentimes I consult my two oracles: YouTube and JuliaLynne Walker of the Bronzeville Agricademy. If you don't follow JuliaLynne you really should!

Every year JuliaLynne hosts her Agricademy and every year I learn something new. This is how I got the idea to source fresh heirloom seeds from Farmers Markets in the first place. I will include a link to her site here.

After I remove the seeds, I rinse and dry them and let them harden in the air a bit. Then I store them in yellow coin bags or in yellow clear medicine bottles and label them. I try to include a source reference of where I got them, what I liked, or to research I have done and collected on this site.

It's late in the season, but I did start a run of fresh seeds in my Vegepod. They are doing great! Here's a picture.

Starting with Farmers Market seeds
Two young interns checking seed growth and soil health at Mezzacello.


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