Project BioTech Arts and Crafts

Where will we find feathers?

This is a list of the Project BioTech Arts and Crafts and projects that we will be exploring this summer.

  1. Make a pollinator globe

    • A balloon with a removable clamp covered with tissue paper, dried flowers, grasses and coated with starch. Let it dry and remove - and reuse the balloon. This is essentially a pinata.

  2. Make toilet paper rolls

    • Using thin cardboard cut into long diagonal strips create rolls and glue them together with starch. Let them dry and use them in projects. Toilet paper rolls are important on an urban farm.

  3. Make seedling pots

    • Turn the toilet paper rolls into planting tubes for seedlings. Fill with soil and nutrients and start a seedling.

  4. Make a paper or wine press

    • Create a screw press to push water and oil out of handmade paper or flowers and seeds.

  5. Make seed paper

    • Using homemade paper to embed wildflower or small vegetable seeds in homemade paper.

  6. Make a ecology silhouette

    • Using a strong light source, have kids sketch out their friend's shadow silhouette on paper and then decorate that portrait with a flower and found object collage.

  7. Make flower beer

    • Mix apple juice, flower liquids, water, and yeast together in a carboy and allow it to ferment into flower beer over two days. This will feed the microorganisms in the soil. This is NOT for consumption or even strongly alcoholic.

  8. Make potato starch paint

    • Process potatoes and their starch to dehydrated egg whites and pigments to make paint.

  9. Make natural stickers

    • Create fun images or collages and create a tacky adhesive to apply to the back of the paper. Use a cricket cut out to make smooth backs to keep the adhesive moist and sticky.

  10. Make scented candles

    • Melt candles and add parafin and baking soda with a scented oil. Pour candles into a reusable container with a wick.

  11. Make dragon scales

    • ???

  12. Make sand mandelas and vases

    • Using 3D printed templates as a base, decorate the areas of the base with colored sand that has been died with natural dyes.

  13. Make your own pollinator insect

    • Using found objects and crafts, make a pollinator and a base that describes its functions in the ecosystem.

  14. Make dream-bean catchers

    • Using a hula hoop and string, create a Dreamcatcher by weeding the string around the hula hoop. This can also be used for bush beans as a trellis.

  15. Make a bird's nest

    • Use a collection of found objects and manufactured items to create an approximation of a bird's test.

  16. Make a pollinator batik

    • Using wax crayons and a low level heat source, melt wax and paint undulating pollinator gardens on fabric. Then we dye the fabric using handmade natural dyes. Allow to air dry and then wash in hot water to melt the wax.

  17. Make oleander and feather crowns

    • Use long pieces of straw to create braided crowns and tie in dried flowers, feathers, and oleander leaves into a crown. Then keep or recycle the crown.

  18. Make amber jewelry

    • Melt honey candy and lemon drops. Place a dehydrated cricket in a mold and pour in the candy. Refrigerate and you have an insect in amber - and candy!

Jim Bruner

Jim Bruner is a designer, developer, project manager, and futurist Farmer and alpha animal at Mezzacello Urban Farm in downtown Columbus, OH.

Mezzacello in Winter - Animals, Power, and Water


Project BioChemical Arts and Crafts