Mezzacello and the Urban Ag Tech Camps

Mezzacello and the Urban Ag Tech Camps

Students in the Mezzacello Control station taking in data from around the urban farm and entering it into data files to build digital models.

Mezzacello and the Urban Ag Tech Camps was the dream I had when I first started at Urban Farming in 2015. I have been building towards this experience for years. Yes, the original motivations for Mezzacello are multiple; Nonetheless my passion is for education.

Grow, Maintain, Sustain, Explain

These four words are the stated mission of Mezzacello. They motivate and inform everything I do at Mezzacello. Today we are talking about that fourth item, Explain. That is what the #UrbanAgTech camps were designed to do.

In the partnership with the Ohio Farm Bureau and the PAST Foundation, I really was seeking a way to get students to reframe how they think about food and that farming is so much more than farming. In that I think I was very successful. And along the way they learned how to grow, maintain, sustain and explain themselves.

Thanks To My Generous Sponsors

This is the introduction to the experiences and knowledge I acquired running these camps. I will be creating a series of blogposts and resources to expand my ideas and plan for what will be inevitably be the next generation of ag camps here at Mezzacello.

None of this would be possible without the support and encouragement of The PAST Foundation, The Columbus Foundation, Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation, The Global Innovation Field Trip, Invent Future Global, Ohio Invention League, The Henry Ford, and the many amazing volunteers and friends. Over the next few weeks I will be discussing the following aspects:

  • Infrastructure
  • Programming
  • Problem-Based Learning
  • Integrated STEM
  • Logistics
  • Community Development
  • Sustainability
  • Positive Disruption
  • and the magic of children's imagination.


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