Garden Tips

Raccooning On An Urban Farm

Contrary to what Urban Dictionary thinks, raccooning is the fastest way to failure on an urban farm.

The Foodist: Daddy-Os Biscuit Eggs Benedict

Nothing better than surprisingly good gluten-free biscuits and hot, savory Eggs Benedict on a cold winter night!

The Foodist: Daddy-Os Eggs Benedict
Biscuits as a base!

The Role of Failure in Learning

Failure is just as important as success – sometimes more so! Reframe what failure should be.

When hard work goes bad

Winter Work Work Work!

Even in winter the work needs to happen! The chickens, ducks, rabbits, fish, crickets, worms, and mealworms don’t feed themselves!

Making Decisions – Good and Bad Choices

Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. As the old saying goes, “Stick to your day job, kid!”

UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In July

The Two-week full day UrbanAgTech Camps at Mezzacello In July supported by Ohio Farm Bureau and The PAST Foundation.

The Data Revolution at Mezzacello

Over COVID 2019 2020 2021 and now 2022 I have been building a machine for life and data. The “key” was power!

The Long Tail of Life

When a bowl of eggs are more than a bowl of eggs! Automated robotic coops and the long tail of life. The future of food.

Reframing of Farming From The Bottom Up

The Inverted Resource Pyramid and the future of food and life in general. We need to start from the bottom up.

The resource pyramid for sustainability
The Inverted Resource Pyramid

Big Mom’s Cast Iron Pan

The story of a pan. Not any pan. Big Mom’s cast iron pan passed down through generations and now a beloved member of Mezzacello.

A Thrift Store Recondition