Farming Tips

You’ll Put An Eye Out With That, Kid

After receiving a text message about an attack on my chickens from a downtown hawk, I had to deploy a BB gun to discourage the predators out of the tree

From Resources to Food to Waste to Resources

An Urban Farm employs ag-tech, enclosed sustainable ecologies to go from resources to food to waste to resources

From Resources to Food to Waste to Resources
The Middle man of waste and resources, the gardens!

Mezzacello 2.0 in Winter

A stunning view of of Mezzacello 2.0 in winter taken with a drone in the snow.

Making The Most of Waste

Making space for and reframing waste is a critical skill set on an urban farm. Take the time to really think about waste.

Lesson: Food from waste and ash

Jurassic Farm – Life FINDS a Way

In Jurassic Park, a good urban farmer is an engineer, a biologist, a psychologist, and a chaos theorist.

The Foodist: Sauteed Portobello Mushrooms

This delightful and delicious recipe is easy to make and endlessly adaptable. Even if you don’t like mushrooms!

Pride Goes Before The Fall

After I destroyed an oven trying to make my own bronze chain I used actual bronze chain to hang a poultry waterer – because chain is chain.

Raccooning On An Urban Farm

Contrary to what Urban Dictionary thinks, raccooning is the fastest way to failure on an urban farm.

A Cold Winter’s Day At Mezzacello

A glimpse of the interior of Mezzacello and the challenges of living in an older house that was originally a farmhouse.

A Winter’s Day At Mezzacello

My Mission Is a Better Community

The Mission Is a Better Community and that comes with effort, love, respect and well, a great community.

Carbon Sequestration, Compost and Urban Farming
We can make resources from other resources