Alternative Gardens

The Foodist: Slow-Cooked Cherry Tomatoes with Coriander and Rosemary

A delicious roasted tomato and garlic dish. Great on a cold night or as a summer sauce.

Winterizing the Pond at Mezzacello

After a really good year with the pond and a bakki shower, putting the pond to bed is a snap! Clear, clean and stable!

Project Renewables Arts and Craft

The proposed Project Renewables Arts and Crafts projects. Subject to change, guaranteed to be recycled and electric fun!

Project Renewables Arts and Craft
A View of the solar arrays from atop the trash bin behind Mezzacello.

Project BioEngineering Arts and Crafts

The arts and crafts students will be exploring in the BioEngineering Arts and Crafts section of the 2023 summer camp.

Project BioEngineering Arts and Crafts
A brilliant and talented engineer

Project BioTech Arts and Crafts

These are the arts and crafts activities we will be employing in the BioTech Summer Camp in 2023. Diverse, fun and engaging.

Mezzacello in Winter – Animals, Power, and Water

A quick update on power and livestock systems to keep liquid water on hand in winter. I will update this.

Lesson: Rotary Motion and Electromagnets

The Foodist: The Essential Greens Recipes

This is a master recipe for all greens, but Collards in particular! Jim hates collards, but he loves this recipe because it is heartier and less vinegary.

Crazy Winter Weather in 2022/23

A quick observation about crazy winter weather we continue to have here at Mezzacello.

Power Heat and Water Even in the Winter

Even in the dead of winter at -20C the systems at Mezzacello work great! I am pretty pleased with this update.

Lesson: Rotary Motion and Electromagnets

Curbing Hunger Through Sustainability

Part of a series of blogs addressing how Mezzacello meets the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This one is zero hunger.

BioTech Summer Camp